Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ready for Surgery

So, between the last post and today I've seen the cardiologist - who said "NO" to the robotic surgery - I wouldn't survive it. (that's a little scary)
I've seen the GYN surgeons who want to proceed with the uterine ablasion and I've had the pre-op visit along with all necessary bloodwork.

Next Tuesday I'll see the cardiologist again and get his final ok - then on Monday November 9 they will do the procedure.

It should only take a little over an hour - it basically is similar to a D&C, but the shave the entire uterine lining off, then laser it to prevent it from growing back (that's the 100% success we're looking for).

For me it's the best of a lot of things - I won't have a period any longer, but I won't go into menopause early. I won't have to take HRT or continue on the progesterone I've been on now almost three months. I shouldn't continue to have problems with anemia or need any more transfusions - all of this for the low low price of outpatient surgery and back home by bedtime. And, best case scenario, it holds me for 2-3 years at which time they think I will go thru menopause myself and I won't ever have to have the hysterectomy.

This procedure will remove the fibroids that are suspended inside the uterus too - not the ones in the walls - but those seem to be calcified - just the little active aliens that keep causing me all these problems.

I am a little apprehensive - but I'm hopeful that once I can get a blood count back to over 30 I will feel tremendously better.

At that point, I suppose I'm going to have to deal with the knees/hips issues. It is always something!!

BTW - I have lost the 20 pounds I'd put back on - so - maybe by January 1 I will break the 400 barrier! I'm hoping and eating my veggies!!

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