Friday, September 25, 2009

Surgery is on the Horizon

I saw the surgeon yesterday - and the plan is as this: They (gyn surgery team) will meet with my cardiologist to see what and how much I can tolerate.

If I can be stood on my head for four hours - I'll have a robotic hysterectomy. Eight one inch incisions, but only a two week recovery and very few complications.

If I can't be stood on my head for four hours - I'll have a uterine ablasion which takes about 2 hours and the anesthesia is not as complete - which means they won't breathe for me. It'll take the entire lining of my uterus, including the fibroids and a polyp - now what's the difference - that I didn't know was there but found out yesterday. If it's 100% successful, I won't have any more bleeding and once my blood rebuilds to a good level and my weight gets down to less than 350 - I will have a traditional hysterectomy.

They said they can't continue to transfuse me every other month - there are some dangers with that - and that the anemia has damaged my heart and must be stopped as soon and safely as possible.

Who knew that having abnormally heavy periods for years would cause damage to your heart? I should have taken better care of myself during the years my kids were teenagers but I ignored all my symptoms and only went to the doctor when I was absolutely sick enough to die.

Now I really am sick enough to die and sorry about not taking better care of myself. Don't do as I've done, see your doctor regularly.

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