Monday, September 21, 2009

Highway to Health

Hey - did anybody notice that Dr. Oz has hit the road with a healthy eating program called "Highway to Health"? I like that - in fact I'd have used that as my blog name if I'd been smart enough to think about it.

Should be some pretty interesting shows - he takes a real no nonsense common sense approach which doesn't make it hard. That is why what I'm doing works for me.

AND - for some great recipes that are simple, few ingredients, healthy and GOOD - sign up at for their daily recipe. I've enjoyed them - and have used them as a launching ground for coming up with some of my own.

In fact - I will begin to add recipes that I've found or created on my blog to help any of you out that need to eat a little healthier. It's kinda a cool challenge to figure out ways to make things that tastes good but have much less calories and fat to them!

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