Monday, September 21, 2009

Transfusion News

So I went into the Vanderbilt Clinic on Friday for a transfusion of 2 units. My hematocrit was still 25 - I don't understand all of the readings and I need to research them, but suffice it to say right now that every one of my numbers was red - which means nothing is where it should be.

Transfusion went fine - but my blood pressure spiked and I had to stay about three extra hours until it began to come down after being medicated. I couldn't for the life of me figure it out - then remembered that one of the nurses made me really angry - I didn't say anything but I was in a slow burn. Actually, her comments were so out of line and rascist that I've considered calling to report her. I didn't find out exactly where she was from, but she's not from Davidson County. I chalked her off to Cheatham County and forgot it, which is probably when my blood pressure started to back down some.

I still don't feel really good - I can tell I have more energy and my face has some color - but my eyelids are still white, my gums are still white and I'm still tired.

I see the surgeon on Thursday - maybe just maybe I'll get an idea of when there will be relief in sight.

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